
Hey, I’m Dawn - the recipe developer and face behind Sweet Southern Vegan. I’m here to help you get healthy, delicious and affordable plant-based meals on your table FAST!


I grew up eating southern comfort food and the typical Standard American Diet of meat, dairy, eggs and very little vegetables. I practically lived on bacon biscuits, grilled cheeses, egg sandwiches, burgers and fries. 

At the same time, I’ve always been a huge animal lover! I was that little girl who would run over to save the spider right before someone was about to step on it. And for some reason I was able to separate in my mind the fact that most of the food I was eating actually came from animals.

But that all changed in 2018. While studying at Institute for Integrative Nutrition, we were asked to watch What the Health and The Game Changers. Those documentaries shook me to my core and I immediately started moving toward a plant-based vegan diet!

It took me a couple of tries to figure out how to make it work for me. There were so many flavors I missed and those southern comfort foods were hard to let go of. Doing as little harm as possible to my health, the animals and our planet was the driving force that kept me going. And eventually I figured out how to recreate those comfort food flavors I was missing, but with a vegan twist. And in 2020, Sweet Southern Vegan was born!


In 2019, I graduated from Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I earned my degree as a Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach.

In 2020, I graduated from The Vegan Chef School, where I earned my Vegan Chef’s Diploma.  

In 2020, I started the Sweet Southern Vegan blog, where I share my recipes and vegan lifestyle.

In 2023, I got licensed to open my cottage food bakery, where I sell vegan desserts. (Link to bakery coming soon)


I lost both of my parents (and almost my sister) to cancer. I lost both my grandmothers to dementia. There’s so much research that’s been done to clearly show that what we eat has a lot to do with how we feel, our moods, our focus, our energy levels and how well we can fight off illness. Disease runs strong in my family and I’m doing all I can for that NOT to be my story.

Whether you’re here for your own health, for the animals, for the planet (or for all 3 like me) I’ve got you covered with healthy, delicious and affordable recipes that are quick and easy to make! And will satisfy that craving for some good old southern comfort food!